GetBackground SUB Action Saves an area of the screen into a named buffer. Syntax GetBackground row1%, col1%, row2%, col 2%, buffer$ Remarks The GetBackground procedure uses the following arguments. row1%, col1% ------------ An integer pair that specifies absolute screen row and column coordinates. row2%, col 2% ------------- An integer pair that specify the lower-right corner coordinates of an area. buffer$ ------- Name of the buffer variable where the defined area is to be stored. GetBackground is used in MENU.BAS to store in a buffer the area (for example, the background where a window is to be displayed) that a menu is to occupy, before the menu is displayed. GetBackground is also used in WINDOW.BAS to store in a buffer the area that a window is to occupy, before the window is displayed. When used with MENU.BAS or WINDOW.BAS, a buffer is created for each menu or window, up to the maximum allowable (normally 10 of each). There must be a buffer for each different area that is to be stored. The GetBackground procedure creates enough space in each buffer to hold the defined screen area. It then uses an assembly-language routine (GetCopyBox) to perform the actual screen-save operation. See Also. MenuDo, PutBackground, WindowDo, WindowSave, WindowShadowSave